House Rules
TNW Conference 2024Admittance & Conduct
- Entry to the conference grounds is for ages 18+.
- Visitors must be dressed appropriately at the conference grounds.
- TNW reserves the right to deny people under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, or for any other reason without an explanation (re-)entry to the conference site.
- It is forbidden for visitors in and around the conference grounds to use, threaten to use, or incite violence.
- It is forbidden for visitors in and around the conference grounds to sexually intimidate or harass others in word, gesture or writing.
Prohibited Items & Activities
- It is prohibited for spray cans, liquids, fireworks and/or any other flammable or explosive materials to be brought onto the conference grounds.
- It is forbidden for visitors to bring weapons, or any objects that could be used as a weapon, onto the conference grounds.
- The possession, usage and distribution of drugs, narcotics or other illegal substances is strictly prohibited in and around the conference grounds.
- It is strictly forbidden for visitors to climb stages, scaffolding or any other structures and objects on the conference grounds.
- It is forbidden for visitors to promote other competitive events unless they have received written permission to do so from The Next Web beforehand.
Safety & Security
- For safety reasons, surveillance cameras will be in continuous operation in and around the conference grounds. If requested, the police or justice department will gain access to recorded material. Visitors entering the conference grounds automatically agree to these terms.
- It is prohibited for visitors to access restricted or locked areas on the conference grounds.
- In the case of a disturbance in and around the conference grounds, the security team will be alerted and expected to act appropriately to resolve the situation.
- In the event of any criminal offence, the police will be alerted.
- In the event of a calamity, visitors must follow the instructions of the security team, BHV and/or staff members of The Next Web.
Payment & Liability
- Visitors can only pay for food and beverages with Credit Card or Debit card. The conference is cashless.
- Visitors who cause damage to property of The Next Web, its suppliers or the conference grounds will be liable to cover the costs. In addition, a police report will be made.
- In the event that TNW Conference must be cancelled for whatever reason, The Next Web cannot be held liable.
- Entering the conference grounds of TNW Conference is at the visitor's own risk. The Next Web cannot be held accountable for losses or damages of any sort.
- Visitors use the bicycle storing facilities at their own risk
For all instances not covered in the above rules and regulations, The Next Web will be the decision maker.