black hole Scientists in Bulgaria may have figured out how to detect wormholes Tristan Greene 2 years ago
black hole Could scientists accidentally destroy the Earth with a lab-grown black hole? Tristan Greene 2 years ago
Earth Here’s a badass picture of plasma jets shooting out of a supermassive black hole The Conversation 3 years ago
black hole These greedy black holes just swallowed two neutron stars and it’s a pretty big deal The Conversation 3 years ago
black hole New superstring theory says black holes may be portals to other universes Tristan Greene 3 years ago
Astronomy How ‘gravitational waves’ will change astronomy as we know it The Cosmic Companion 4 years ago
black hole New physics theory postulates the existence of SLABs: Stupendously Large Black Holes Tristan Greene 4 years ago
NASA Astronomers just detected the oldest and most distant quasar ever The Cosmic Companion 4 years ago