This article was published on July 21, 2014

Alibaba rolls out Apple Passbook-style feature and voice messages on its Alipay wallet app

Alibaba rolls out Apple Passbook-style feature and voice messages on its Alipay wallet app

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is keen on building up its payments service — not only in terms of overseas expansion but also providing its consumers with a robust front-facing mobile app. To aid this, it has just added a series of new features to Alipay Wallet, the e-payment app relaunched last year to handle online-to-offline payments.

Announced on its Weibo page, Alipay has introduced a new Apple-style Passbook feature to both the iOS and Android mobile apps. Alipass lets users store and manage all their e-tickets, vouchers and coupons either through partner merchants’ websites or via mobile apps that support Alipay.


To make Alipay Wallet even more useful, users can now also keep track of all transactions via Alipay, or even their own expenses, and sort them into different categories. They can also send voice messages when transferring payments or looking through service accounts, as well as take photos and share them on social platforms (though this doesn’t seem to be that relevant a feature for a payments app).

➤ Alipay Wallet: iOS | Google Play

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