This article was published on April 18, 2011

White iPhone 4 Now available for order on 3 UK, delivers on April 20th [Updated]

White iPhone 4 Now available for order on 3 UK, delivers on April 20th [Updated]

The mythical white iPhone 4 is now available for order on the 3 UK  store. The phone is available for the standard subsidized price of £159 for the 32GB version. Update below.

The white iPhone 4 has been a topic of hot discussion as rumors of a late April release have been swirling around the net. This is the first time we’ve seen an official carrier officially offering the white model of the iPhone 4 for order.

Although the white iPhone 4 has been present on 3 UK’s page for some time, it has not been available to select for purchase. Now you can actually add it to your plan and basket.

The White iPhone 4 has been long delayed with every Apple Store refresh bringing hope that it would appear. Various carriers have listed the white iPhone 4 as coming soon on their sites but never actually allowed orders to be made. Recent rumors stated that the white model was set to arrive this month. These rumors were later substantiated by Apple themselves.

We have contacted 3 UK for confirmation and comment.

Update: It looks as if the page is now gone, I guess we have our answer as to whether or not 3 jumped the gun on this one.

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