This article was published on October 2, 2013

Introducing The Next Web’s beautiful new iPad magazine, SHIFT

Introducing The Next Web’s beautiful new iPad magazine, SHIFT

Fans of The Next Web Magazine may have noticed that things have been quiet on that front for a couple of months, but there’s a good reason for that – we’ve been quietly working behind the scenes on its evolution. Today we introduce SHIFT.

SHIFT will start as a quarterly publication for the iPad, featuring a beautiful design and high-quality articles. We’ve been working with new iPad magazine-publishing app Prss (see our coverage of its launch from earlier today) to create SHIFT. Thomas Offinga, SHIFT’s project lead, has been raving about how much the new approach allows him to do with the magazine.

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SHIFT #01 is focused on gadgets and features a comprehensive rundown of what you should have your eye on this coming holiday season. There’s also an overview of the best affordable, beautifully-designed gadgets, powered by Under the Hundred. Meanwhile, we’ve asked a number of influential people like Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings about their favorite ‘offline gadgets‘.

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SHIFT is available at a subscription price of $2.99 per quarter or you can buy a single issue for $3.99. If you want an incentive to subscribe, when we hit 5,000 subscribers, we’ll be increasing the frequency of the magazine to monthly at no addition cost.

SHIFT is available for download now from the App Store. It’s iPad-only for now, but that will change in the future as the Prss platform grows to support more devices and operating systems. Go get it!


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