TNW Pick of the Day: Fairy Magic is a spellbinding augmented reality iOS game for kids Paul Sawers 12 years ago
Transparent LCDs, Kinect for Windows, and augmented reality come together quite nicely [Video] Alex Wilhelm 12 years ago
Layar’s augmented reality app Stiktu launches worldwide, letting you tag and share real-world items Matt Brian 12 years ago
With Creator, augmented reality startup Layar shifts focus to ‘interactive print’ Robin Wauters 12 years ago
Penguin partners with Zappar to bring augmented reality to Moby Dick and other classic novels Paul Sawers 12 years ago
Wikitude takes its augmented reality beyond apps and direct to the mobile Web Paul Sawers 12 years ago
Nokia launches its augmented reality City Lens app in beta for Lumia Windows Phone devices Martin SFP Bryant 12 years ago