This article was published on February 19, 2015

Slack’s now got a native Windows app

Slack’s now got a native Windows app

Team communication service Slack has just launched a beta version of its Windows desktop client.

The desktop version brings all the features of the Web-based service together in a standalone program. However, it’s still in beta and needs a bit more work before it’s ready for prime time.

Slack Windows

Slack’s Windows team welcomes feedback about bugs and how ‘native’ the experience is. You can let them know by clicking the ‘?’ icon in the upper right corner of the app and choosing “Send us a help request.”


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In the short amount of time I got with the app, I didn’t find any major bugs, but noticed that it did hog a lot of memory — nearly 300 MB over five separate processes. Hopefully that will be fixed before its official release.

The company has been on a steady growth curve since its launch last February, having signed up over 500,000 users in just a year.

Slack for Windows (beta) [EXE] [via Windows Central]

Read next: Slack’s Stewart Butterfield doesn’t fear Facebook At Work, promises offline mode soon

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