Startup company Climate startup will help decarbonise construction in Luxembourg Ioanna Lykiardopoulou 1 year ago
Energy industry Polestar challenges itself to make an entirely carbon neutral car by 2030 Matthew Beedham 3 years ago
Climate Astronomers have discovered the first exoplanet with plate tectonics — Pangaea when? The Cosmic Companion 3 years ago
Future NASA figures we’ve got about a billion years before the sun kills us all Tristan Greene 3 years ago
Artificial intelligence Is there a more environmentally friendly way to train AI? Omri Geller 3 years ago
Earth Earth’s magnetic reversal 42,000 years ago triggered apocalyptic climate change — could that happen again? The Conversation 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence AI can now farm crickets (and hopefully solve world hunger in the process) Thomas Macaulay 4 years ago