This article was published on February 7, 2009

You can now sync your bookmarks across Firefox, IE and Safari with Foxmarks

You can now sync your bookmarks across Firefox, IE and Safari with Foxmarks

picture-13Foxmarks, what was once just a Firefox bookmarks sync tool has now been made available to Safari and IE users too. With your bookmarks online and accessible on the most popular browsers on Mac and PC, your bookmarks are finally likely to remain with you for life. 

As Lifehacker points out, although bookmarks sync perfectly – there are a few sad exclusions:

  • No Password Syncing
  • No syncing bookmarks to your own server
  • iPhone sync only for Safari’s version of the Mac

Walt Mossberg was first to try the tool and has given a basic but solid overview of the service on All Things D. You can also view a video of the review below.


To install the tool, visit the Foxmarks download page and download either Foxmarks for Firefox, Foxmarks for IE (pc) or Foxmarks for Safari (Mac only).

Lets hope Opera, Chrome and Linux users out there are given similar functionality in the near future.

On a side note, I wonder if Foxmarks now plans to change their name…

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