This article was published on July 14, 2016

This insane futuristic video shows a world full of VR and AR – and it’s scary

The rampant success of Pokémon Go has left many wondering whether the smash-hit mobile game is merely another passing fad or the harbinger of something much more momentous – the beginning of a widespread integration of augmented and virtual reality technologies into our daily lives.

If you too often wonder about the ways in which such technologies are shaping the world to come, ‘Hyper-Reality’ is about to blow your mind.

Produced by creative agency Keiichi Matsuda, it’s a futuristic concept video that envisions a world where AR and VR technologies have been fully incorporated into our surroundings and daily routines.

Credit: Keiichi Matsuda

As Keiichi Matsuda explains the motivation for ‘Hyper-Reality’:

Our physical and virtual realities are becoming increasingly intertwined. Technologies such as VR, augmented reality, wearables, and the internet of things are pointing to a world where technology will envelop every aspect of our lives. It will be the glue between every interaction and experience, offering amazing possibilities, while also controlling the way we understand the world. ‘Hyper-Reality’ attempts to explore this exciting but dangerous trajectory.

While certainly intriguing, the future ‘Hyper-Reality’ imagines is also dauntingly alien and artificial: everything has been customized to please you (the consumer) and the constant incoming information overload makes human interaction almost impossible.

Check out ‘Hyper-Reality’ here and let us know how it aligns with your own vision of the future down in the comments.

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