This article was published on March 5, 2015

Buffer takes Pablo, its words-on-an-image service, out of beta

Buffer takes Pablo, its words-on-an-image service, out of beta

You see them more and more on Twitter and Facebook. Images with text over them meant to boost engagement. The reality is that they do make a post more enticing to your followers or friends. Now, social-media tool Buffer is pushing its online tool, Pablo, which creates these images, out of beta.

Pablo is easy to use and more importantly free. In fact, you don’t even need a Buffer account to start creating images with text. But if you want one you can use your Facebook or Twitter account. The images can be downloaded or sent to Facebook, Twitter or to your Buffer account.

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The tool has stock images you can use, but also allows you to upload JPEG and PNG images. There are two text fields, and you can change the fonts in the main field.

For uploading icons, it’s best to use a PNG with an alpha channel.

Buffer points out that Pablo can be used for more than just posting images with quotes meant to get you to click an article. It can also be used to sell items, create event invites and other image-based notices that you would normally need to use a dedicated image app for.

pablo (1)

So whether you’re trying to “grow your brand” or just put together an image that will get your friends to your 30th birthday party, Pablo is worth trying out.

Pablo [Buffer]


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