This article was published on January 21, 2010

The 27″ iMac Is Now Delayed Three Weeks – This Machine Is A Problem

The 27″ iMac Is Now Delayed Three Weeks – This Machine Is A Problem

imacThis story just won’t stop. Apple’s 27″ iMac, a beautiful machine, seems to be suffering even more problems as Apple has now delayed its shipment to purchasers by three weeks.

Its smaller brother, the 21.5″ iMac will still ship in one day.

If you have not kept up with the drama surrounding the device, read this excerpt of our past coverage on the giant iMac’s harried history:

“It seems that the saga surrounding the 27″ iMacs is never ending. After the initial round of problems, the comical delays due to the US government confusing Apple products with fruit, and the initial round of waiting, we now have even more bugs. Oh, and those pesky cracked screens, of course.”


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Now to this proud record Apple is adding another three week delay in shipments. Here’s a tip Apple; don’t sell a machine until it’s finished. The 27″ iMac is beginning to feel like the Vista of Mac hardware: a great concept that never quite got there. And when it did, it was chipped and you sent it back.

Of course, this will not stop people from buying one, the draw of a 27″ all-in-one is strong. If and when Apple does sort this out, expect this machine to again become the most popular desktop computer in the United States.

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