This article was published on April 13, 2011

Announcing the Speakers at The Next Web Conference 2011

Announcing the Speakers at The Next Web Conference 2011

In less than two weeks (Reserved your tickets yet???) we are going to welcome 1200 participants to The Next Web Conference 2011.

1200 participants and a bunch of inspiring, knowledgable and handsome speakers. We will announce even more speakers later but we thought it would be a good idea to give you a first glimpse today. New speakers will be added to the official Speaker page.

Below is a list of some of our speakers including a short biography and links to their LinkedIn or WikiPedia profiles. We are doing longer interviews with each speaker over the coming weeks with more information on their talks.

Pablos Holman
Pablos is a futurist, security expert, salsa dancer and above all a notorious hacker. If you are interested in hacking, unlocking and peeping this is your guy. Fun guaranteed.

Linkedin Profile: Pablos Holman
Twitter: (Say hello!)

Rick Falkvinge
Rick Falkvinge is the founder of the Pirate Party movement and a traveling evangelist for digital rights and sensible information policies.

Wikipedia profile: Rickard Falkvinge
Twitter: (Say hello!)

Mark Randall
Mark Randall is chief Strategist, Digital Media at Adobe. Loves playing restored retro arcade games, obsessively tweaking his home theater to attain minuscule increases in audiovisual quality

Linkedin: Mark Randall
Twitter: @markran (Say hello!)

Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble is an American blogger, technical evangelist, and author. Scoble is best known for his blog, Scobleizer, which came to prominence during his tenure as a technology evangelist at Microsoft.

Google profile: Robert Scoble
Twitter: @Scobleizer (Say hello!)

Rana Sobhany
Rana Sobhany is an application brand marketer and author of Mobilize! She is going to ‘Destroy the Silence’ at The Next Web Conference with music sets she made solely using iPad apps.

Twitter: @ranajune (Say hello!)

Alexander Bard
Author of Netocracy and living literally on top of the overheated Wikileaks servers in Stockholm. “He’s seen the future. A renaissance man of many talents, Bard is either a genius or a madman. You decide” The Times Magazine.

I wrote a post about Bard titled Announcing Alexander Bard; the most exciting wildcard of TNW2011.

Wikipedia profile: Alexander Bard
Twitter: @Gravitonas (Say hello!)

Steve Rubel
Steve Rubel is SVP, Director of Insights for Edelman Digital, a division of Edelman – the world’s largest public relations firm.

Read the interview I did with Rubel in this post titled “The Laws of Attention by keynote speaker Steve Rubel“.

Twitter: @steverubel (Say hello!)

Tammy Camp
Tammy Camp is an entrepreneur, kiteboarder, and adventure traveler. She brings her skills to bear – at least minus the kiteboarding part – to current roles as a CEO, startup advisor, and non-profit board member.

Twitter: @TammyCamp (Say hello!)

Dave Winer
Dave Winer, 55, is a visiting scholar at NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. He pioneered the development of weblogs, syndication (RSS), podcasting, outlining, and web content management software; former contributing editor at Wired Magazine, research fellow at Harvard Law School, entrepreneur, and investor in web media companies. A native New Yorker, he received a Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from Tulane University and currently lives in New York City.

Interview with Dave about Twitter, Twitter, ‘Blorking’, the future of blogging and his upcoming talk at TNW2011:
Dave Winer: Twitter is mostly about ‘grunting and snorting’ but it could be much more

Twitter: @davewiner (Say hello!)

Why don’t you welcome all our speakers to The Next Web Conference with this pre-formatted tweet:

Tweet This: See you at TNW2011 @markran @Scobleizer @ranajune @steverubel @TammyCamp @Gravitonas @davewiner!

Reserve your ticket today and get a chance to meet all these inspiring Internet visionaries!

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