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Mischa Lisovyi and Rosaria Silipo

Mischa Lisovyi, Ph.D., is a data scientist in the customer care team at KNIME. He has an academic background in particle physics — the scientific field in which data is so big that processing has to be distributed around the globe. Analysis of data is his passion, and his range of experience spans from identification of the hardest elementary particles in the known universe through assessing poverty levels in Costa Rica to adding an artistic touch to selfies of KNIMEers. Rosaria Silipo, Ph.D., principal data scientist at KNIME, is the author of 50+ technical publications, including her most recent book “Practicing Data Science: A Collection of Case Studies.” She holds a doctorate degree in bio-engineering and has spent more than 25 years working on data science projects for companies in a broad range of fields, including IoT, customer intelligence, the financial industry, and cybersecurity.