This article was published on May 16, 2011

How’s the weather? That’s what Weddar wants to know

How’s the weather? That’s what Weddar wants to know

There are hundreds of weather apps on the iPhone that will tell you in immense detail exactly how the weather is in any location around the world. Weddar does the exact opposite by instead asking you, or anyone else using the iPhone app, how the weather feels where you are.

Instead of an immense level of granular detail about the barometric pressure, temperature and humidity, Weddar [App Store, free] presents you with a grid of options ranging from hell to freezing. You choose one of the conditions, add any modifiers like the intensity of the clouds, rain, wind or snow and shoot your report off.

Your report pops up on the map as a Weddar cloud that represents the conditions. Users can then tap on that cloud to see additional details such as clouds and rain and to view your profile. This will  how many reports you’ve done and allow them to add you as one of their personal reporters.

You can only report within a few miles of your area so all of the conditions on Weddar come from people that are actually there at the time. If the weather changes suddenly you can update your original report within 10 minutes or post a new one after that.

Of course, people posting about the weather on a local basis means that you can tell how the weather feels to people on the other side of your town or the other side of the world. As you zoom in and out of the map you’ll get a more general or more specific idea of just how it feels to those places.

You can even make a request to people in an area that you’re visiting to get a quick idea of what to expect when you get there or fill a request for someone else visiting you. The whole concept of Weddar is a nice fresh take on the weather, giving you what you really need to know about the weather and not much more. Is it hot or cold, should I wear a sweater, bring an umbrella or just stay home?

You can get a taste of Weddar’s simple crowd-sourced weather by grabbing the app from the App Store free. Sign in with Twitter or Facebook and you’ll be reporting on the weather in minutes. How does it feel where you are?

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