This article was published on March 5, 2012

BBC iPlayer chief says that traffic from Internet TVs lags because they’re too complex

BBC iPlayer chief says that traffic from Internet TVs lags because they’re too complex

Last August, we brought you the BBC’s vision for the future of iPlayer after it unveiled a new TV-friendly version of the online streaming service. In a nutshell, the BBC announced it wanted to take iPlayer beyond the tech-savvy and firmly embed it in livingrooms across the UK.

However, Daniel Danker, the BBC’s General Manager for Programmes & On Demand, has stated that Internet-enabled televisions are “too complex”, noting that overly complicated apps are the chief reason why traffic from iPads surpasses that from connected TVs.

Danker was speaking at the Digital Television Group summit in London, and he pointed the finger at ‘firmware upgrades’, noting that televisions need to behave like televisions rather than PCs and shouldn’t require the viewer to upgrade firmware.

Danker added that there are twice the number of iPlayer-enabled TVs on the market as iPads, but the latter currently drives four times more traffic, reports Broadband TV News. “Even after connecting connected TVs, audiences are presented with a list of choices that boggles the mind,” he said. “If you think about mobile, apps have revolutionized mobile phones, because they are relevant.”

Of course, with both Apple and Google moving further into the connected-TV space, this could help create a more user-friendly experience and create a finer distinction between ‘PC’ and ‘TV’. At any rate, there’s little question that connected TVs will become a firmer fixture in livingrooms across the UK and the rest of the world throughout 2012 and beyond, and this means that innovations to make the viewing experience better won’t be too far behind.

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