This article was published on July 29, 2008

Sharing news with your RSS reader with Apprise

Sharing news with your RSS reader with Apprise

Rss is still getting more important for many bloggers, as co-blogger Boris update our blog for RSS last May:

“Well, if it turns out that most of your readers don’t actually visit the site but just read your posts in their RSS reader than it might be time to start optimizing for that.”

Since the updates, subscribers on thenextweb have been increasing tremendously! (subscribe here if you haven’t done allready) Here at TheNextWeb office we have been trying out different programs to read the feeds of other sites, and today I found one on Techcrunch with a new time saving approach:

Open source program Apprise allows users to not only read, but also share news directly from your RSS reader. The project is developed by Christian Cantrell, an Adobe Employee and editor on WatchReport.

The reader is based on Adobe Air, users can simply add and aggregate feeds. Its not world changing, but I believe this is the first RSS reader that can share your articles this easy.

Key Features

  1. AIM Integration. Just click on a story, and choose which of your buddies to send it to.
  2. Twitter Integration. Post URLs to Twitter right from Apprise.
  3. Drag and drop. Easily drag and drop (or copy and paste) articles to share them via email.
  4. Realtime search across all feeds.

Sharing your RSS finds

How often do you copy and paste URLs from your news reader or browser into your IM or Twitter client in order to share stories with friends? Apprise created a simple way to share articles from your RSS feed. Simply add your twitter and AIM credentials in the preferences, and the icons will light up. Tap the button will send the article to it respective destination

Open Source

The free Apprise reader is opensource, so integration with other services can be expected if the project picks up! We are hoping for integration in more social websites like WordPress, Tumblr and Stumbleupon. (read more)

Try it out on Apprisereader and add our feed: Thenextweb

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