This article was published on April 6, 2012

Announcing TNW Magazine Issue v0.3: Collaborative Consumption

Announcing TNW Magazine Issue v0.3: Collaborative Consumption

Joe Gebbia, the bright, young co-founder of Airbnb recently told me that he’s seen the Internet move in 3 stages. In the late 90s, companies like AOL worked to get people online. Next, we saw people connecting online and the rise of social networks. Now we’re in the 3rd stage, and we’re seeing people using the Internet’s power to connect offline in the real world.

This 3rd stage of the Internet has welcomed what many are calling the Collaborative Consumption movement. In this movement, we’ve seen a myriad of new Internet startups and services spring up and refresh an ecosystem where companies like eBay and Craigslist once ruled. Now, innovative startups in this space include Airbnb, Spinlister, Skillshare, GetAround, DogVacay, Zaarly, TaskRabbit, Kicktable, Gidsy and SideTour to name a few. This new world is oft referred to as “the sharing economy” and in some cases, “the experience economy.”

Bolstered by our burgeoning social networks, we are connecting with other human beings at an unprecedented pace. Many believe this is the way of the future. In our 3rd issue of the TNW iPad magazine, we’ve interviewed the founders of these companies, tested their services and called upon experts in the field to explore these ideas at greater length.

So download the app, relax in your favorite coffee shop, recline in your favorite chair, or stay in bed all day with your iPad. Enjoy, be inspired and be entertained. For details about how the magazine was created, check out our announcement post here.

With this issue we’ve also launched two new subscription options. You can now take a monthly subscription for $0.99 or a quarterly subscription for $3.99.

➤ Available in the app store now.

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