This article was published on October 9, 2010

Windows Phone 7 handsets available in UK on October 21?

Windows Phone 7 handsets available in UK on October 21?

The launch of Windows Phone 7 is now only days away, with an October 11 launch, but the availability of handsets running the new Microsoft mobile operating system has been something of a guessing game.

The US market looks set for a deployment of Windows Phone 7 handsets at the end of October, creeping into November but it appears that the UK market could be getting its hands on a new Windows handset as soon as October 21, if UK carrier Three’s leaked roadmap has anything to do with it.

Judging from the capture, the “Windows 7Phone” will almost certainly be a Samsung device, due to its 4-inch Super AMOLED screen, meaning we could be looking at the Samsung Cetus. It will also feature a 5MP camera with Auto Focus.

The roadmap mentions that 2000 applications will be available at launch, showing just how hard Microsoft has been working to make sure the app market doesn’t languish when devices go on sale.

Keep an eye on The Next Web Mobile over the next couple of days, with the launch only days away we could be seeing some very interesting leaks before the main event.

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