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This article was published on July 22, 2010

Droid X Gets Rooted, Handset Owners Rejoice

Droid X Gets Rooted, Handset Owners Rejoice

The Motorola Droid X has seen a lot of press lately after its successful launch, screen issues and a small matter surrounding eFuse technology.

Today, news comes from the Droid X Forums signalling the high powered Android handset has been rooted, allowing users to remove pre-installed junk apps and theme their phones as they wish.

You might have remember the eFuse fiasco, stories centering around a technology that would prevent Droid X owners from tampering with the bootloader on the handset, restricting users to official Motorola firmware. Although owners will be able to modify their devices to a large extent, the rooting of the Droid X hasn’t paved the way for custom ROM’s, yet.

The following post appeared on the forum earlier this morning:

WE HAZ ROOTS!. Thanks to Birdman. Here is the directions.

Step 1: Set up ADB
Step 2: Push exploid to /sqlite_stmt_journals “adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals”
Step 3: type “adb shell”
Step 4: type “cd sqlite_stmt_journals”
Step 5: type “chmod 755 exploid”
Step 6: type “./exploid” and follow directions on screen
Step 7: type “rootshell”
Step 8: type in password “secretlol”
Step 9: your in root!
Step 10: mount your sdcard to pc and put Superuser.apk and su in the sdcard
Step 11: unmount sdcard
Step 12: in adb (make sure your still in root with the # sign) type in:
– cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
– cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su
– chmod 4755 /system/bin/su

your done! feel free to kill the bloat apps snd such ;

NOTE: it might be a smart idea to do “rm /system/bin/rootshell” after you have su and superuser in place as ANY program will have access to your root if you leave it (cause everyone will know the password)

It took just under a week to achieve root access, don’t be surprised if it takes the same amount of time to port a Froyo ROM on to the device.

Please note: As always, exercise extreme caution if you are contemplating rooting your Droid X, we take no responsibility for any damage caused.

[Via – AddictiveTips]

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