This article was published on July 30, 2012

Another athlete has been expelled from the Olympics for a racist tweet

Another athlete has been expelled from the Olympics for a racist tweet

According to AP, the Swiss Olympic team has expelled a soccer player from the London Games for posting a racist comment on Twitter.

Swiss daily newspaper Le Matin grabbed a screen cap of the tweet posted by Michael Morganella on his @mogastoss account. That account has now been deleted.

The tweet read ‘Je fonsde out les coreen allez sout vous lebru. Ahahahhahahaah deban zotre’, which was roughly translates as “I f*** all Koreans, go all burn yourselves. Ahahahaha bunch of ‘tards.” Charming.

AP reports that Swiss Olympic team chief Gian Gilli says Morganella is being stripped of his Olympic accreditation ahead of Switzerland’s final group match against Mexico on Wednesday.

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He “discriminated against, insulted and violated the dignity of the South Korea football team as well as the South Korean people,” Gill said through a translator at a news conference Monday.

Michael Morganella joins Greek athlete Voula Papachristou as Olympians no longer fit to compete because of their racist comments on Twitter.

Given the Olympics is supposedly a place where sport overcomes prejudice, this year’s summer Olympics is not doing so well when it comes to tolerance.

Though some may try to excuse these tweets as the actions of people under pressure having a melt-down, there’s really no excuse for racism within the Olympic games or elsewhere. These two are paying a hard price for stupidity in 140 characters or fewer.

Image Credit: Kenski1970

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