This article was published on April 6, 2013

Google publishes – then removes – a post stating that Fiber will launch in Austin, Texas next

Google publishes – then removes – a post stating that Fiber will launch in Austin, Texas next

A report from VentureBeat yesterday, citing multiple sources, claimed that Google and the City of Austin would be announcing the launch of the Google Fiber gigabit Internet service in the Texan city on Tuesday. This then appeared to be confirmed by the publishing of a blog post on the Fiber site.

As Engadget reported, a post entitled ‘Google Fiber’s next stop: Austin, Texas’ was live on the Fiber site at 3am EDT today. However, now it’s gone, with the latest post being a ‘Fiber Poles’ April Fool’s Day joke from earlier in the week.

The post certainly appeared to have been published in error, with its author listed as ‘SoAndSo’ from the ‘SoAndSo Team’. Oh, there was no actual text in the post.

Google and the City of Austin’s announcement is scheduled for 11am local time in Austin on Tuesday April 9th, so we don’t have too long until we find out what’s really happening, but everything seems to point to Austin joining Kansas City in Google’s super-fast Internet club. Invitations to the event describe it as involving an “a very important announcement that will have a positive impact on Austinites and the future of the city.”

The launch of Fiber in Kansas City was announced in July last year, and installations began in November. The gigabit service is offered at price points ranging from free (after a $300 construction fee) to $120 per month with a TV service included.

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We’ve contacted Google for comment on the disappearing post on the Google Fiber website.

Image credit: Thinkstock

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