This article was published on February 23, 2012

Google continues G+ integration, adds Circles to Google Voice

Google continues G+ integration, adds Circles to Google Voice

Hot on the heels of a number of updates, including Docs for Android with realtime, rich text and collaboration in Google Presentations, Google has announced that it is adding Google+ Circles to its telephony service Google Voice, ahead of  its rumored international launch.

The search giant says its goal is to “help make it even easier for you to organize your contacts,” and honestly, the integration makes perfect sense. If you’re a user of both services, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to use both to connect with friends, family or even clients. More than anything else though, this change continues the spread of G+ throughout Google’s ecosystem.

The post goes on to explain that “Circles give you more control over how you manage your callers; for example, calls from your ‘Creepers’ circle can be sent straight to Voicemail, only your ‘College Buddies’ circle will hear you rap your voicemail greeting, or you can set your “Family” circle to only ring your mobile phone.”

You can customize your Circles settings by visiting the Groups & Circles tab in your Google Voice settings, and Google invites you to give it a try and let them know what you think.


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There’s no word at the moment if Google will be hosting a hangout for this specific release, but since it is doing so for the new collaborations feature in Google Presentations, it would make sense for other features to be fair game for discussion.

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