This article was published on October 3, 2011

This website is a beautiful mashup of WordPress, Google Maps and photography

This website is a beautiful mashup of WordPress, Google Maps and photography

We’ve seen WordPress do some amazing things, and almost every one of us has used Google Maps to explore the world around us. But Gabe Morton-Cook is taking these two elements and rolling them into one beautiful website, called Travelogic.

This project is intended to bring together three of my passions: Travel, Photography and Interactive Design/Development, as well as to be a method for sharing our travel stories with friends and family.

Once you’re inside, you’ll see the page above. Clicking onto any trip brings down a rollover map that shows you the location. Select the location and you’ll see all the points of the trip, with small stories and photographs that were taken at each point.

Along the bottom you’re treated to a timeline, of sorts, which will walk you through each step. Of course there’s the easy forward and back navigation on the map itself, if you’re so inclined.

It’s a beautifully-designed site, and a true testament to the flexibility of WordPress as a CMS. It’s well worth a few minutes of your time to check out the design, and of course read the stories.

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