This article was published on March 9, 2016

Pandora now lets artists beam audio messages to fans straight from their phones

Pandora now lets artists beam audio messages to fans straight from their phones

Music streaming service Pandora has announced a new tool called AMPcast that lets artists record audio messages and share them with fans instantly, using just their mobile devices.

If it seems familiar, it’s because Pandora released a similar but more rudimentary feature around this time last year called Artist Audio Messaging.

But unlike the previous iteration that the company tested, AMPcast doesn’t require artists to record messages in the studio. Instead, artists can just use their phones to broadcast whenever they like and also track analytics instantly.

Pandora says musicians can use the new tool to let their followers know about about upcoming show dates, album releases or share quips and anecdotes. The messages will play while fans stream their favorite artists’ tracks on the service.

Pandora's AMPcast lets artists broadcast messages to their fans using just their phones
Pandora’s AMPcast lets artists broadcast messages to their fans using just their phones

AMPcast is available starting today to select artists with a wider release planned in the coming months.

Pandora Launches AMPcast to Help Artists Connect Directly With Their Fans [Business Wire]

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