This article was published on March 17, 2016

Newly discovered malware could attack factory-configured iPhones

Newly discovered malware could attack factory-configured iPhones

Security company Palo Alto Networks has discovered new malware, dubbed “AceDeceiver,” that could attack factory-configured iPhones.

iPhones with malware are rare due to their closed ecosystem and strong reliance on encryption, but today’s discovery was one of the first where none of that mattered.

Typically, iPhones containing malware are infected by a malicious application and often on a jailbroken device. AceDeceiver can attack factory-configured (non-jailbroken) iPhones without any downloaded apps by infecting the PC it connects to. iPhone users that don’t connect their device to a PC are thought to be safe.

Currently, the malware has only been spotted in China, but Palo Alto Networks warns that with small configuration tweaks (mostly location settings) it could affect US iPhone users as well.

Apple representatives couldn’t be reached for comment.

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AceDeceiver: First iOS Trojan Exploiting Apple DRM Design Flaws to Infect Any iOS Device [Palo Alto Networks]

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