This article was published on August 18, 2015

Google just launched an easy-to-use $199 Wi-Fi router

Google just launched an easy-to-use $199 Wi-Fi router

Google is finding a new way to get into your home: a $199 Wi-Fi router. The company today launched the OnHub for all your at-home connectivity needs.

Google says OnHub has a number of features to make it both powerful and accessible to the average user.

For example, the router uses “smart software to find the best Wi-Fi connection.” It’s also able to prioritize individual devices to make sure they have quickest connection when needed, and 13 antennas in a circular arrangement help support its maximum speed of 1900 Mbps.



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This accessibility is reflected in its interface too; the Google’s On app has a simple setup process and informs you of any network issues and how to fix them.

You can also see any devices connected onto the network with a simple visual representation, and you can even use the app to see who’s connected while you’re away from home, or have someone help you remotely.

It’s more than just regular-old Wi-Fi, too: OnHub is prepared for the future with Bluetooth Smart Ready connectivity, 802.15.3, and Weave, Google’s new protocol for the Internet of Things.

Other features include 4GB of Onboard storage for updates and new features, a dimmable status light.

Google says it also focused on creating a sleek device because most routers work better at eye-level; OnHub is meant to be seen rather than hidden.

It’s an interesting device from the company, likely meant to help power its growing hardware offerings, particularly as it pre. Chromebooks, Chromecasts, Android TV hardware and future IoT devices powered by Project Brillo will all benefit from stronger internet connectivity.

You can preorder OnHub now; Google says it will be shipping “in the coming weeks.”

OnHub [Google]

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