This article was published on May 18, 2009

Spam (the REAL spam!) has a sense of humor

Spam (the REAL spam!) has a sense of humor


Can you image having a product named ‘spam’ and then having ‘bad spam’ getting named after your ‘good spam’?

It might have taken a few years but the people at Hormel Food Sales have finally come to terms with the bad public image their product has. Now they have released this new ad compaign cleverly using the Internets lingo to promote their product.

They even have a website, fanclub and online recipes at You can sign-up there and become a member. Just make sure you double-check your spam folder for the regsitration email…

So what is next? “SPAM & FAIL”? Maybe “SPAM and ROFL”?

Maybe the NSFW “SPAM & NSFW” version with a whole lot of meat in it?

via Gizmodo & AP

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