This article was published on March 31, 2009

Google officially announces a brand new VC fund: Google Ventures

Google officially announces a brand new VC fund: Google Ventures

picture-1010Google have just announced their latest product, and yes it is a product, Google Ventures. The VC fund lead by Rich Minder and Bill Maris will focus entirely on the funding and support of “promising new technology companies”.

What type of companies will Google be looking to invest in?

“At its core, Google Ventures is charged with finding and helping to develop exceptional start-ups. We’ll be focusing on early stage investments across a diverse range of industries, including consumer Internet, software, clean-tech, bio-tech, health care and, no doubt, other areas we haven’t thought of yet.”

Investment amounts will range from seed funding to tens of millions of dollars, depending on the potential of the project.

So how do you get involved?

The only way to be considered is by emailing them a presentation or business to They request you limit your presentation to no more than 20 slides, business plans are also accepted but again no more than 3 type written pages.

Similar to other Google products, the product has been given it’s own URL at

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