Mark Zuckerberg Watch a Trump clone investigate deepfakes in a new show from the creators of South Park Thomas Macaulay 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence Can deepfake detectors keep up with advances in AI-generated video? The Conversation 4 years ago
politics Who thought political ads featuring Deepfake Putin and Kim trashing the US was a good idea? Tristan Greene 4 years ago
Facebook Facebook removes Chinese network of fake accounts that used AI-generated faces Thomas Macaulay 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence How programmers are using AI to make deepfakes — and even detect them Ben Dickson 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence Watch: This AI mashup of movie characters singing ‘All Star’ is the best DeepFake ever Tristan Greene 4 years ago
Facebook Russia’s most notorious troll farm reportedly used deepfakes to push a fake news outlet on Facebook Thomas Macaulay 4 years ago
Microsoft Microsoft’s new deepfake detection tool rates bogus videos with a confidence score Ivan Mehta 4 years ago