Startup Visa Program by TNW

TNW - The heart of tech
The Dutch Startup Visa

The Dutch Startup Visa

About the program

Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands

For thousands of years, the Dutch haven’t been afraid to question the status quo. An inclusive, collaborative mindset makes innovation and entrepreneurship a natural part of the Dutch DNA. A pro-business climate, international workforce and superior infrastructure make the Netherlands one of the best places to do business.

About the Dutch Startup Visa

Since January 1st, 2015, the Dutch government welcomes ambitious entrepreneurs outside of the EU to easily start a business in The Netherlands through a fast-track program: the Dutch Startup Visa. This visa grants entrepreneurs a one-year period to build or expand an innovative company in The Netherlands.

One of the requirements for this fast-track program is that the startup works with an approved startup visa facilitator. The role of the facilitator is to introduce the entrepreneur to the Dutch/European market and provide support and guidance throughout the duration of the startup visa.

TNW Startup Visa Program

TNW Startup Visa Program

TNW - The heart of tech

About the TNW Startup Visa Program

The TNW Startup Visa Program provides founders of (tech) startups and scale-ups outside of the EU with a one-year visa and dedicated soft-landing program. This includes, but is not limited to: access to our vibrant and curated TNW startup- and tech community, expertise, events, spaces and tools needed to successfully build or grow your company in the Netherlands, the European market and beyond.

TNW works with a network of trusted industry experts and soft-landing service providers who can help you with everything you need. Think of (one-on-one) mentoring, introductions to relevant local partners/industry experts and an opportunity to tap into the Dutch startup- and tech ecosystem.

What's included?

  • Support and advice on the Startup Visa documentation and application process
  • Be part of and tap into the curated TNW community
  • As a member/resident you can (co)work, take meeting and network at all our locations, including our top-floor private club overlooking central Amsterdam
  • Onboarding session to get to know the TNW community
  • "Welcome to the Amsterdam ecosystem" session
  • Dedicated soft-landing sessions by industry experts
  • One-on-one mentoring sessions throughout the duration of your startup visa
  • Advice on company formation and taxation
  • Company registration and mail + package handling (optional)
Get in touch

Get in touch

Apply here

For who?

Tech startups and scale-ups with a scalable (IP-based) innovative business model and global expansion ambitions, wanting to accelerate and grow their business within the European market via the Netherlands and beyond. Our program is industry-agnostic.

Selection criteria

  • Experienced founder(s)
  • Innovative (tech-based) service or product
  • Scalable (IP-based) business model and a international expansion strategy
  • Must have a dedicated business plan
  • Must be able show sufficient financial resources to reside and live in the Netherlands for one year (min. EUR 15.000 p/y)
  • The founder/team will become a member/resident a TNW Spaces, and will use the TNW Spaces premises as the company's main location in the Netherlands.

Got what it takes?

We'd love to hear from you! Please apply and we'll get back to you to schedule and intake.


Send you and email or get in touch with our Startup Visa Facilitator directly, who's happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the TNW Startup Visa Program.



Hear from the startups that took part
  • For me it was a no brainer to work with TNW for the Startup Visa Program. You get an amazing startup community on your side and fantastic office and meeting spaces.

TNW City Amsterdam coworking balconyTNW South Amsterdam coworking shared areaTNW Spaces amsterdam residentTNW Spaces coworking eventTNW Spaces event resident membershipTNW City coworking space Amsterdam balcony event