Office Hours with weGrow on International Expansion

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Office Hours with weGrow on International Expansion

Finding the right knowledge to grow your startup is hard and time intensive. To help you grow your business, we invite experts to share their expertise with our community. Office Hours brings you the knowledge and insights to operate more effectively by learning from the best. In these one-on-one sessions, you can ask for advice on any challenges you’ve been facing.

International expansion is one of the biggest hurdles for startups looking to scale. It's more complex than it seems and there are many pitfalls that can be easily avoided. In this session, Gernot Schwendtner and Florent Coudyser will be available to advise on topics such as selecting the best market to expand into, devising a successful go-to market plan, or rolling-out to new markets sustainably, no matter which market you're thinking about.

Questions they can help answer: 

  • How can I ensure my product is still relevant in the existing (international) market? 
  • What can I do to secure revenue in the existing (international) market? 
  • How can I accelerate international growth in times of crisis? 
  • How do I navigate my international organization through the coming months and years? 


  • Gernot Schwendtner is a co-founder of weGrow, an Amsterdam-based internationalization service focused on growing startups and scaleups in Europe and the USA. weGrow is helping companies such as WeTransfer, UnitedWardrobe, and HelloPrint enter markets in both strategic and hands-on ways. Gernot was the VP of Marketing and International Country Manager of TravelBird, Managing Director of News Travel, and built up a venture-builder for an Austrian media company.
  • Florent Coudyser (moderator) is a co-founder of weGrow, an Amsterdam-based company which specializes in helping businesses prepare for and execute their international expansion strategy. Having driven commercial strategies in Directorial roles at Relay42, Sociomantic, and Zanox from across France, Belgium, the UK, and the Netherlands, Florent has extensive industry experience in digital technology and travel.


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