Office Hours with ex-Google and MessageBird on product
Monday, May 18, 2020
Finding the right knowledge to grow your startup is hard and time intensive. To help you grow your business, we invite experts to share their knowledge with our community. Office Hours bring you the knowledge and insights to operate more effectively by learning from the best. In these 30 minutes 1 on 1 sessions, you’ll be able to ask for advice on any challenges you’ve been facing.
This time around, we've invited Joost van Hoof to give insight into all things product. He can provide input on all things product management and product marketing. From the operational side to the organisational side, he can help with:
- Hiring
- Team setup
- Working with other teams
The topic and level of detail really doesn’t matter, Joost is just as happy to discuss button colours as go-to-market strategy as core features.
Joost is a product person at heart with a focus on the ultimate goal: happy customers. In both his career and hobbies he enjoys figuring out, designing, and building end-to-end customer journeys. This can be anything, from the installation of a B2C hardware product to the onboarding of a B2B software tool. His experience comes from many side projects, product management and product marketing at Nest/Google and most recently as product director at MessageBird.
Our curated events calendar welcomes industry veterans alongside fast-growing startups. Connect with Google, Salesforce, Amazon, and over 50 startups in residence.