CTO Roundtable: Digital Transformation in FinTech - Factors of success

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

CTO Roundtable: Digital Transformation in FinTech

When it comes to navigating the intricacies of FinTech, it helps to have someone with proven expertise and experience in the field to help you answer the most critical questions: how is digital transformation driving the change in financial services? How can you adjust your business and technology to FinTech regulations and processes while still staying agile? How can you acquire and keep the best talent capable of helping you succeed? And, most importantly, what does it actually mean to succeed in FinTech?

On June 8th, The Software House is bringing you a special edition of their monthly CTO Roundtable, during Amsterdam FinTech Week, to help you start paving the way to your FinTech success. They’ve invited the CTOs of Amsterdam Trade Bank and FORM3 to share with you their experiences in using next-gen technology to transfer the majority of their day-to-day operations to the cloud and help introduce new payment vendors.

Gerbert Oude Velthuis - CTO of Travelia and General Manager at The Software House NL - will be joined by Jaap Boersma, CTO of Amsterdam Trade Bank, and Steve Cook, CTO of FORM3, to brainstorm about the digital transformation and the factors you should consider to excel.

They’ll discuss:

  • The key factors that impact digital transformation in FinTech
  • How to find the right balance between flexibility, stability, security, and speed of delivery
  • What success in FinTech means
  • The role of the developer in a highly regulated industry
  • How to acquire and keep the right people on your team

And much, much more!

Interested? Use the promo code: TSH4XFW at checkout for an early bird special. Don't miss this one - claim your spot now!


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