This article was published on August 30, 2011

Voyurl Stats: People browse the most on Tuesdays (and other fun facts)

Voyurl Stats: People browse the most on Tuesdays (and other fun facts)

Voyurl, a New York City based startup launched in private beta just over one month ago. The Voyurl browser plug-in analyzes your online behavior–clicking from site to site, playing videos, listening to music, etc –to help you discover recommended content from users like you who have explored parts of the web that you have yet to see. It’s like StumbleUpon, without the stumbling.

One of my favorite aspects of being a Voyurl member is that the site turns your browsing data into sexy infographic data. It lets you see your browsing patterns in comparison to your history, people within your Voyurl network or the average Voyurl user. Think of it like or FitBit for browsing data.

While stuck in Florida due to Hurricane Irene, Voyurl’s co-founder Adam Leibsohn (who prefers to write in all lower-caps) sent us this:

“we just passed a little more than 30 days with this new evolution of voyurl. to celebrate like the happy dorks we are, we wanted to share what 30 days of data looks like using voyurl. so, with that, we put together this pretty cool infographic.”

According to the chart below, in just one month, Voyurl members browsed for over 14 years collectively spent on nearly 9 million pages. No surprise here: Over 23% of pages visited were social websites with almost 4 million page visits to Facebook. The U.S. led the pack, also no surprise there. Most interestingly, according to its data, Voyurl members browsed the web the most on Tuesdays, and the least on Sundays.

(Click image to enlarge)

Read the Voyurl launch story and sign up for private beta access here.

Featured image source: EdBockStock/Shutterstock

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