This article was published on August 9, 2018

Here’s all the steps needed to launch your new startup — and each class only costs $5

Here’s all the steps needed to launch your new startup — and each class only costs $5

There’s a lot that goes into building a successful startup. One one side, you’ve got cold hard analytics and business formulas which can help shape your young startup. On the other, there’s the personal factor, that tough-to-pin-down quality that helps an entrepreneur make contacts, forge relationships and outwit rivals in a dog-eat-dog business world.

You can pick up training from both realms of this wide-ranging world in the Business Development and Sales bundle, a collection of courses that are on sale for a super-low $35 price (an over 90 percent savings).

The package includes seven courses, each targeting a different aspect of your business’ growth — as well as your own.

  • Lead Generation Machine: Cold Email & B2B Sales Master Course (a $194.99 value): Cold emailing can jumpstart your sales in amazing ways. This course shows you how.
  • Sales Valley: Business Development & B2B Sales For Startups (a $194.99 value): Learn how to build a sales approach, meet with investors, and turn skeptics into buyers.
  • Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills (a $94.99 value): Negotiating is an art — but it does have rules. Follow these steps to cut better deals every time.
  • Sales Training: Practical Sales Techniques (a $104.99 value): Here are concrete steps for maximizing your selling potential.
  • Linkedin Marketing: B2B Sales & Lead Generation From Scratch (a $199.99 value): LinkedIn is more than a home for resumes. Find out how to use it to network, drive traffic and make sales.
  • How To Create a Buyer Persona For Your B2B Business (a $19.99 value): Who’s your target customer? This training helps you build that profile as a path to stronger marketing and better sales.
  • An Entire MBA in 1 Course (a $200 value): A former Goldman Sachs employee and venture capitalist shows you how to launch a company from scratch, network for customers, and raise money quickly.

Almost all of these courses range from $100 to $200 each, but with this limited time deal, you can save a boatload of money by getting the entire package for just $5 per course.

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