This article was published on April 8, 2015

Woohoo! Google is bringing month view back to Calendar for Android

Woohoo! Google is bringing month view back to Calendar for Android

Google Calendar for Android users will be happy to know that the company has decided to add month view back to the app after users requested (i.e. complained) for the feature’s return.

In a Google+ post, the company announced some new updates that will arrive over the next couple of days, including event color codes and the option to switch views from navigation drawer.

google calendar android month

Frankly, we’re not sure why Google got rid of month views in the first place – with its launch of Android for Work apps, you’d think it was essential for teams to be able to see staff meetings and events on a monthly basis.

Although the company did not say when the update will arrive on Google Calendar for iOS, it did say it plans to bring similar features to the iPhone.


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➤ Month view is coming (back) to Google Calendar for Android

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