This article was published on May 1, 2009

Technology Enhanced Intimacy

Technology Enhanced Intimacy

Today I received two spam messages.

Well okay, I actually receive an average of 2160 spam messages a day. I don’t actually read any of those because my mail is checked for spam first at Gmail, than at and finally in Apple Mail. I end up deleting 10 to 20 spam messages from my inbox a day that aren’t caught somewhere along the way.

But today I read two spam messages. Here they are:

Spam Example 1Spam Example 2

I received these within seconds of each other and of course they are were completely automated. I smiled when I read the first one because it is such a nice example of how people can screw up with technology.


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My emailaddress is (yeah sure, send me more spam, I don’t mind) and as you can see the clever developers at ‘CGT Consult’ had their computer analyze that and and conclude than I must be “B. Omega” who works at “”.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is that it was just such a great example of how NOT to use technology. I couldn’t have asked for a better example to prove a point I want to make.

Technology: Enjoy In Moderation

We all love the personal touch: a friendly word, a hand on our schoulder, the sound of our own name and the bartender that knows what we drink. Unfortunately technology makes it far too easy to become distant, cold and impersonal. It is just too easy to spam your whole address book. Copy list, paste in BCC field, press send. Annoy 1000 people in three clicks. Done.

The trick to technology, the secret, is to use technology to make your life easier but stay personal, at every level. The challenge is to use cold technology to warm up your communication and strengthen your relationships. Sounds easy enough but technology keeps seducing us to take advantage and show our bad sides.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Contacting 10 people personally is more effective than spamming 1000 strangers. Give it a try and find out for yourself.

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