This article was published on April 7, 2010

Think it all happens in Silicon Valley? You’re Wrong! Part 8:

Think it all happens in Silicon Valley? You’re Wrong! Part 8:

WiredUK recently mapped the UK’s technology startups based around London’s answer to Silicon Valley: Old Street’s ‘Silicon Roundabout’.

Sponsored by Kodak and The Next Web, decided to delve a little deeper into London’s startup scene and video interview ten of these companies.

This week we meet Nadav Poraz of This recently launched start-up (see our coverage from December) allows users to discover which songs contain which samples of other music. In the video, Nadav discusses how the site has grown almost solely thanks to Google searches, how the service handles moderation of submissions and his plans for future expansion.

The Silicon Roundabout series is filmed on a Kodak Zi8. You can watch previous episodes here.

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