This article was published on August 6, 2012

ShareMyPlaylists announces 100,000 Spotify playlists shared, an average of 170 tracks per compilation

ShareMyPlaylists announces 100,000 Spotify playlists shared, an average of 170 tracks per compilation

Back in early 2009 we reported on how was a pretty useful tool for letting Spotify users, well, share their playlists.

Two weeks after Spotify announced its platform for third-party apps last year, ShareMyPlaylists rolled out its very own music discovery and playlist-sharing Spotify app, while its iOS app relaunched in May to offer a new way to experience Spotify on the move.

ShareMyPlaylists is one of the largest – and oldest – Spotify community tools on the Web. And today, the company has announced that 100,000 Spotify playlists have now been shared in the three years since launch.

ShareMyPlaylists claims more than two million users per month, and to mark this recent milestone, the company has revealed a slew of tantalizing statistical tidbits:

  • Average playlist has 170 tracks
  • 15,000 playlists are played through its site and apps each day
  • 200 new playlists are uploaded each day
  • Over 1.5 million playlists have been generated to date using its Playlist Generator
  • Over 17,000,000 songs in total shared to date

In case you were wondering, the playlist that has been in the Top 50 Chart the longest, is the Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time, having sat there for 88 weeks.

“Reaching 100,000 playlists on the site is a major milestone for us and shows that the Spotify ecosystem is thriving,” says Kieron Donoghue, CEO and founder of ShareMyPlaylists. “Not so long ago, we were lucky to receive ten playlists per day, now we’re getting over two hundred and growing. The fact that our average playlist has 170 songs shows that users are being really creative and spending time curating high quality playlists.”

ShareMyPlaylists is available for iOS, Android and Spotify.

Meanwhile, the company has pulled together this infographic to mark the 100,000 playlists milestone.


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