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This article was published on May 16, 2019

Samsung has reportedly sorted the Galaxy Fold’s screen problems

New chapter in foldgate

Samsung has reportedly sorted the Galaxy Fold’s screen problems

Last month, Samsung faced a wave of criticism when review units of its ambitious Galaxy Fold phone started to break down.Now, according to Korean media outlet Yonhap, the company’s made some improvements, and is testing the units with mobile carriers in South Korea.

Some units’ screens cracked or were damaged because reviewers peeled off the protective layer above the screen. Samsung failed to effectively communicate that the protective layers shouldn’t be removed. There were also issues with the sturdiness of the hinge holding the two parts of the screen. The Korean giant had to eventually cancel all pre-orders and postpone the launch.



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Yonhap’s report suggests that with new units, Samsung has integrated the display’s protective layer inside the screen to prevent people from tearing it off. Plus, it has filled that gap near the hinge to avoid debris getting inside the device and damaging components. According to sources the publication talked to, the Korean phone maker will release the device early next month.

After this saga, people interested in buying the Galaxy Fold will naturally be wary about the handset’s longevity. It’ll be interesting to see what this spells for foldable from Samsung and other brands in the coming months.

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