This article was published on April 22, 2011

Samsung files counterclaim against Apple, accuses it of ten patent infringements

Samsung files counterclaim against Apple, accuses it of ten patent infringements

It seems that when Samsung stated it was considering filing a counterclaim in response to a lawsuit by Apple, it was already preparing its legal team to draw up the necessary documents.

Today, the electronics giant has moved to issue a complaint against the iPhone maker, by filing lawsuits in South Korea, Japan and Germany which accuse the Cupertino-based company of violating its patents in producing the iPhone and iPad.

Yonhap News reports that Samsung filed a complaint with the Seoul Central District Court over alleged patent infringement of five patents, issuing a complaint over two patents in Tokyo, Japan and three violations in Mannheim, Germany.

In a statement, Samsung said it was:

“Responding actively to the legal action taken against us in order to protect our intellectual property and to ensure our continued innovation and growth in the mobile communications business.”

Apple is suing Samsung, stating that Samsung has willfully violated patents, committed trademark infringement and exercised unfair competition with its Galaxy line of phones and tablets.


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Samsung’s lawsuit, coming days after it said it would consider filing a counterclaim, focuses on 10 patents related related to wireless data communications, data transmissions and power controls in its production of the iPhone and the iPad.

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