This article was published on August 7, 2017

Netflix is down for many users… so just chill [Update: It’s back]

Netflix is down for many users… so just chill [Update: It’s back]

Chill. It is not just you: Netflix is down for numerous users around the globe.

A large bulk of users are checking in to Down Detector to report that the popular video streaming service is currently experiencing server downtime – which means you might have to postpone your “chilling” for later.

According to the outage heat map, it appears that the issue is mostly affecting users in Europe – with some isolated incidents in the American East Coast and Latin America.

netflix, down, chill

The Netflix customer support team has already confirmed the issue on its official Twitter account.


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Curiously, the replies were written in Portuguese and in German – though both literally say that the support team is aware of the outage and working to bring back the service.

Meanwhile, other users continue to complain.

For what is worth, Down Detector indicates that over 299 users submitted downtime reports at one point. Fortunately, the number has since dropped to under 160.

Affected users that were able to get in touch with Netflix support claim that the company said the outage is a “global issue.”

The reason why Netflix is down remains unknown as of now, but it appears Amazon Prime is also struggling with server downtime right now – which means Amazon might be experiencing troubles with its Web Services, though its status page says everything is running swell.

We will monitor the situation actively and will come back to update this piece once the streaming service is up and running again. In the meantime, find something else to do – or another platform to stream from.

Update: It appears Netflix has got the situation under control, confirming its servers are functional again now.

Diminishing Down Detector reports seem to suggest the same thing.

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