Counterfeit luxury goods are aplenty in China, and Louis Vuitton is one of the brands that is extremely popular among consumers.
However, it just got a lot more difficult to buy and sell fake LV items online, now that Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has announced that it is teaming up with LV to crack down on counterfeit LV products being sold on the company’s Taobao marketplace.
Alibaba says Taobao will now “proactively” remove product listings of suspected counterfeit goods and roll out preventive measures to stop sellers on the e-commerce site from listing fake items.
The e-commerce juggernaut, whose transactions on its e-commerce platforms have topped that of Amazon and eBay combined, has been putting in more effort to prevent fake goods from appearing on its websites. In August, Alibaba signed an agreement with the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition to work against pirated goods.
Headline image via Flickr / keso
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