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This article was published on December 17, 2010

Amazon Introduces “Buy Once, Read Everywhere” Magazine and Newspaper Subscriptions on Android

Amazon Introduces “Buy Once, Read Everywhere” Magazine and Newspaper Subscriptions on Android

Announced this morning, Amazon’s first “Kindle for the Android” app will be available for users to buy, read, and sync over 100 Kindle newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Newsweek, The Atlantic, and many more. This is the first time we’ve seen magazines available on Kindle’s app for mobile devices. The Android app will include features like automatic overnight delivery of subscriptions, buy once and read across multiple devices and platforms, full text search, instant Wikipedia and dictionary lookup. No word yet on when it will be available on the iPhone as well.

“We want to give customers the freedom and flexibility to buy their newspapers and magazines once, and read them everywhere across the devices and platforms they chose–just like they do with Kindle books today,” said Russ Grandinetti, Vice President, Amazon Kindle. “Kindle for Android is our fastest-growing application, and we’re excited to launch over 100 newspapers and magazines for our Android customers.”

For a full listing of newspapers and magazines available on Kindle for Android, click here. Version 2.0 offers several new features, including access to over 100 newspapers and magazines. Users can now share their reading progress with others, while the integrated store can be used to sample and purchase content without leaving the app.

According to Amazon, they’ve been building and introducing a wide selection of free Buy Once, Read Everywhere Kindle apps for iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry and Android-based devices for over two years.

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