This article was published on August 17, 2009

Doodurls is the Doodle destination

Doodurls is the Doodle destination

doodurlsHere’s a great website that’s emerged over the weekend. Doodurls collects doodles, the little drawings you do in the margins of notebooks, on Post-it Notes and the like.

While doodles may seem like inconsequential drawings, they probably reveal more about our thoughts than we care to admit. It’s surprisingly fun to browse through the doodles that have already been submitted.

A scribbled barbeque, a carefully sketched pocketwatch and a series of odd images related to witches are included in the site’s early submissions. They really get you wondering what was on the “artist”‘s mind when they were drawn.

Doodurls is the brainchild of Ernie Hartley and Stephanie Romanski. Explaining how the site came together, Ernie says:

“Steph brought me a Moleskine (notebook) for my birthday and I did not know what to use it for. I was a bit scared to use it as I think they are too expensive to use for just taking notes. She said just put your doodles in it. She Twitpic’d a doodle she had done in her Moleskine of my Twitter avatar . I Twitpic’d a Steampunky type doodle back to her.

Then we started talking about it being a fun way to work together on something. Steph is in USA and I am here in UK and have always been talking on how we would love to work at something, this proved to be it. After a very excited Skype call we went for it. I went to bed and woke up to a beta version of the site.”

The site accepts submissions via any image hosting service. Simply upload your image and tweet the URL in a Twitter message to @doodurls. Ernie agrees that doodles are more than just throw-away scribbles. “I find it interesting when people just start doodling. Lots of folk say they cannot draw. I disagree – doodles are perfect examples of your creative side taking over”.

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