This article was published on May 28, 2009, a free file sharing and interactive web conferencing solution, a free file sharing and interactive web conferencing solution

Today, CEO, Yuval Moed informed me that the online file sharing and web conferencing tool had updated it’s overall site layout and functionality, on what he described to me in the below audio interview as a speed update as well as feature change, with the introduction of being able to share Youtube clips via an interactive shared web browser, and a shared text editor here is the brief interview with Yuval.

Interview with Yuval Moed of is part of the growing crowd of “in the cloud” applications which share documents online, obviously the other main competitors to them include Google Documents, Zoho, Scribd and Docuter, but the unique aspect on the delivery of content within Showdocument is the live collaboration a group of individuals can have whilst browsing a document or webpage together, and I am told can upload documents WITHOUT any registration on the site.

The thing that makes the “spontaneous online meetings” really work on Showdocument is the nature of the “plug and play” interface, no plugins, no browser conflicts, just ubiquitous access to the same window and the same user’s screen for up to 50 users at one time, that looks exactly the same throughout, the speed increase is certainly more notable then many other times I have browsed the site, and this indefinite claim by many that we are moving our data to the cloud which I have perhaps at times dismissed, is perhaps justified when the cloud becomes so seamless and straightforward speed and featurewise as proves.

When asking about future updates to, Moed replied that they wanted to let users interact further with this existing update before they moved on to develop anything further, of course I will push Yuval more in the coming days to see what he may be able to reveal is in the works, but overall the team can be product of the successful update to the system.

What can be said about the overall document sharing space, has delivered a blow to Google’s armour, or will Google be watching this company and making decisions on how to wipe out the competition, or make a “acquisition” in effect to close them down, hopefully neither, but have the majority of the market, so it’s going to be an interesting company to watch in my opinion

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